Saturday, July 5, 2008

Thank You

I would just like to take a minute this 4th of July weekend and express my gratitude to all of the men and women serving in our countries armed forces. I will never forget my first Sunday home from my mission. It was the Sunday before the 4th and consequently, all the hymns in sacrament meeting were patriotic. The closing hymn was The Star-Spangled Banner and Sister Marshall (our ward organist who is one of my favorite ladies in the whole world) really made it special. I made it through about 1/4 of the first verse before I started ballin' and it didn't stop until the song was over. Spending two years in Portugal made me appreciate all the freedoms that we enjoy here in this country and it was a very special experience for me to come home and on my first Sunday have a chance to reflect on my feelings. I am proud to say that that emotion and that experience are not forgotten and I still have to fight back tears any time I hear the national anthem. So, I again would like to thank all those serving to preserve those freedoms that we enjoy. I would also like to send a special shout-out to my best friend from high school, Jordan Darrington, who is on his second tour in Iraq right now, serving with the US Army. Thanks bud.

1 comment:

DA & J said...

Congrates to the both of you! Having a boy is great. Just wait until he is curious about everything! Just today, Nathan was chasing Ants at the park.