Saturday, December 13, 2008

All Smiles!

Evan started smiling a couple of weeks ago. It's darling, and his parents will go to any lengths to see one--including singing the last line of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (which he apparently loves!) a million bazillion times!


Scotty B said...

I love it! Felt kind of ripped off when you said he smiled while we were in the other room, so thanks for the video clip! Little guy's going to get to be more and more fun now-

Unknown said...

Those first smiles are the best!

The Sullengers said...

Cute kid - fun when they start smiling at you because they want to smile rather than just having to fart!

Mikey, Randi, and Gracie said...

Are you kidding me with that? I want to snuggle him more than ever now!