Wednesday, April 11, 2012

April so far

Every April 1st growing up my mom would make a special breakfast for us--eggs on toast. I decided to follow her example for a good, healthy breakfast. Evan was not excited--he's not an egg fan. But once he tasted it, I think he was converted (cake, whipped cream and an apricot half). (Evan has started taking after his Aunt Amy--it's rare I can get a pic with his eyes open!)

We've been working on making letter shapes. E made his name from pipe cleaners.

Here are my boys on Easter Sunday before church.

E enjoying a community Easter celebration.

I call this one "Cute Boy in Crib."

One of our favorite games lately is taking turns telling stories. I thought this one during breakfast was sweet.

E started preschool the other day. He's growing up so fast!!

And finally, Evan's new favorite song;

1 comment:

Brent & Paij Collins said...

Cute April fools breakfast. I like your tricks much better than Brent's. Actually, he doesn't really "trick" me, thank heavens. Loved Evan's story. It's great to listen to him talking. Also, I think you have a singer on your hands. I bet he'll be entertaining in the primary program. He has conviction. Thanks for sharing!