We decided to go to the OKC temple for our Family Home Evening a couple of weeks ago so Evan could see and touch the temple. He was very excited about it. We listened to "I Love to See the Temple" like 15 times on our way. Unfortunately, we forgot about the temple being closed on Mondays--meaning the gate was locked. Evan was so sad. We had brought a picnic dinner and sat in the shade to enjoy it nonetheless, and we talked about the temple. We were almost done when we noticed two random men walking through the church parking lot. They walked past us and up to the temple gates, where one pulled out his keys and unlocked them! They proceeded inside the temple. We don't know who they are, but we were sure glad they came! Evan got to go up and touch the temple, and walk around the (very small) grounds. He LOVED it. What a fun memory!
Touching the temple.

Evan and Daddy relaxing after dinner.

John wanted to take Evan to "The Lawnmower Store" (Lowe's) to build a craft, but the activity was all full when he tried to sign up. So they went to Lowe's and bought the kit and built it together. It was pretty entertaining to watch. I finally told Evan to go get his toy hammer so he could bang to his heart's content. They were so proud of the finished product. John still hasn't let him play with it!! ;) I have a feeling when Pinewood Derby time rolls around it'll be a similar situation!

And here's a 30-ish week picture. I really should try to do something with myself in these pictures. Like, you know, makeup? Oh well.