I've been wanting to make E a superhero cape for ages, and have simply been lazy. But the other day at Walmart we saw this one for super cheap. Evan was so excited to have it in his hands that he started yelling to the first person he saw, "Look! Look! It's a superhero cape! Now I will fly in the sky!" Unfortunately, the cape's magical qualities didn't perform to his expectations. We're still working on pretending to help get over the disappointment.
We do a lot of "parking cars" with E. Notice (if you care to!) all the animals/figures are on the "sidewalks" and all the cars are on the "roads."
Evan loves to vacuum. I try to indulge him as often as possible.
And what can I say? He's a cute kiddo. Sure do love him. I'm going to brag now. I think he's a super smarty pants. I counted the songs he knows how to sing and got to 25 before I had to stop. Today he started singing the first two lines to "Tell Me the Stories of Jesus." I didn't know he knew that one. He can count to 30 now, and knows his letters. He's starting to recognize the sounds the letters make too. It's been really fun.
And here are a couple of his cute mispronunciations: Lately he wants to do everything "All my byself," (as he points his thumb at his chest.)
If I ask him why, he says, "Capause."
And my all time favorite that I was really sad when he finally got right: badesadas instead of bananas. Oh, how I miss that one!
The other night while reading scriptures, Evan quoted, "because of the anger of my bretheren," as "because of the Angry Birds." John and I couldn't help laughing out loud at that one. Evan looked very pleased with himself.