I feel bad I still haven't posted about our trip to Houston for Thanksgiving, but I can't find our camera cable. So till then--another Christmas-y post.
I made sugar cookies today so that we could decorate them tonight together as a family. It was Evan's first time, and he had a blast. He was slightly obsessed with the sprinkles.
Yes, I know it's December. Just trying to get caught up. Had a fun Halloween that included our ward's Trunk or Treat and then trick or treating with some friends in their neighborhood. (This was the night I found out I'm allergic to pumpkin.)
Evan, doing what Frenchmen do best.
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! (And on to Christmas! Oh wait, Thanksgiving!)
It was great to have Nana and Aunt Amy here to celebrate with us. Amy's birthday was the day before Evan's, so it was double the dessert! I think Evan enjoyed his birthday pretty well. He opened presents (he's gotten a lot better at that over the last while!), he got to skype with his cousin Gracie and his Aunt Randi and Papa, and we had a couple of his friends over for dinner and cake. We just played all day long! He's such a sweet boy, and we love him so much!