Baby Benjamin arrived by c-section on Friday, November 11th. He shares his birthday with his Grandpa Allen and his Papa Ketcher--so cool. He's healthy and strong. The doc had ordered an ultrasound on his kidneys because they looked large before he was born, but everything was just fine! Hooray! He weighed in at 8 lb. 7 oz. and was 20 and 1/2" long. Big little guy for being just over a week early! He is super cute, and I see a lot of Evan in him. He eats like a champ but is always hungry. Last night he also slept like a champ! (I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high about that just yet.)
Our doctor had been worried about placenta accreta since about 18 weeks. That meant I would absolutely have to have a c-section (which we expected because it seems no docs in OK will do VBACs anymore) with the chance that this could be our last child if the surgery didn't go well. Through lots of fasting and prayer, everything went great with delivery--no surgery required past the typical c-section!
However, in recovery I started feeling a lot of pain. When they tried to get me up to walk around, I almost passed out. Several hours later I started having difficulty breathing. Because of our family's history with blood clots they ordered a CT scan, and there found that I was bleeding internally. So, lucky me, I got to have a blood transfusion. Once that took place I was better able to recover, and they ended up letting us out of the hospital the following Tuesday.
Evan has been such a fantastic big brother to Ben. He's always walking up to him and saying, "Awww, hi Baby Ben!" and rubbing his head or giving him a snuggle. He loves to hold Ben as well. He's eating up all the attention from his Grandpa and Grandma Allen, who are here helping out (thank heavens!) and who have been absolutely fantastic. We look forward to Papa and Nana's arrival this week as well.
So all in all we're doing great. We are so happy that Benjamin is in our family!
13 hours ago